As an AI engineer, I want to develop a bot that can search the internet for unanswered questions, such as those found in Twitter posts ending with a question mark, and provide answers using a large language model (LLM).
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Bot can identify posts with a question mark indicating an unanswered question.
[ ] Bot can apply natural language processing to understand the context of the question.
[ ] Bot searches the internet for relevant and reliable information regarding the question.
[ ] Bot uses an LLM to formulate a clear and accurate response.
[ ] Bot posts the answer in a concise and relevant manner addressing the original question.
[ ] Responses generated by the bot are logged for quality and review purposes.
[ ] Bot complies with all relevant data privacy laws and regulations concerning user data.
participant User as Twitter User
participant Bot
participant Internet
participant LLM as Large Language Model
Twitter User->>Bot: Post ending with a question mark
Bot->>Internet: Search for information
Internet-->>Bot: Provide search results
Bot->>LLM: Formulate response based on search results
LLM-->>Bot: Suggest response
Bot->>Twitter User: Post answer to the question
Natural Language Understanding Specification
As an AI engineer, I want to develop a bot that can search the internet for unanswered questions, such as those found in Twitter posts ending with a question mark, and provide answers using a large language model (LLM).
Acceptance Criteria