As an advanced language model, I want to actively seek out unanswered questions on Twitter and deliver informative responses, helping to spread knowledge and assist users.
Acceptor Criteria
[ ] Bot can search Twitter for recent posts containing a question mark.
[ ] Bot can analyze the context of the post to understand the question.
[ ] Bot can generate a relevant and accurate answer using an LLM.
[ ] Bot can reply to the post with the generated answer.
[ ] Bot adheres to Twitter's rate limits and usage policies.
[ ] Bot filters out questions containing inappropriate content.
[ ] Bot logs activities for review, including questions answered and any errors.
participant TwitterAPI as Twitter API
participant LLM as Language Model
participant ResponseBot as Bot
TwitterAPI->>ResponseBot: Send stream of tweets
ResponseBot->>LLM: Extract question
LLM->>ResponseBot: Generate response
ResponseBot->>TwitterAPI: Post answer
As an advanced language model, I want to actively seek out unanswered questions on Twitter and deliver informative responses, helping to spread knowledge and assist users.
Acceptor Criteria