As a stakeholder, I want an AI-powered coding tutor designed for rural students so that they can learn programming concepts and languages efficiently and without needing access to high-speed internet or cutting-edge hardware.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The AI tutor must function with low bandwidth internet connections.
[ ] The AI tutor should provide a text-based interface for areas with limited internet.
[ ] The tutor should support at least three programming languages to start with.
[ ] Users can access pre-loaded programming materials without the internet.
[ ] The AI tutor gives real time feedback on students' code.
[ ] The system should track and report students' progress over time.
[ ] The AI tutor should be accessible on both desktop and mobile platforms.
participant Student
participant AITutor
Student->>AITutor: Submit Code
AITutor->>Student: Assess and Provide Feedback
AI Coding Tutor for Rural Students
As a stakeholder, I want an AI-powered coding tutor designed for rural students so that they can learn programming concepts and languages efficiently and without needing access to high-speed internet or cutting-edge hardware.
Acceptance Criteria