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Point (or whatever) to the site. #10

Closed itsjohncs closed 9 years ago

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

I think I remember reading that GitHub's CDN won't function correctly if we point at a specific set of IPs, so I'll want to read up on that.

I'm also not sure how much I like as the domain... Maybe just eng, or engineering, or dev...

mroth commented 9 years ago

Luckily for a subdomain, Github Pages is pretty straightforward, you can use a CNAME record pointing to instead of an IP and then put an appropriate CNAME file in the repo (for apex-domains it's more annoying), see:

P.S. I personally like (which matches the current masthead you have), dev.* makes me think of a dev/staging version of the site.

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

Oh sweet, that sounds simple enough. I'll open up a support ticket since I have no clue who controls our name servers.

And after reading your comment I agree, seems like the best choice. It seems a bit long for someone to type in, but that doesn't seem like a big deal.

xymostech commented 9 years ago

We use Amazon's Route 53 to manage our DNS, the configuration is at Someone probably needs to actually go into Route 53 after changing it there, though.

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

I opened up a diff to our network config, waiting on that now.