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Wrong cert is being served for https. #19

Open itsjohncs opened 9 years ago

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

Emily reported that when you go to your browser warns you that things are awry. The cert it's pulling down is GitHub's, we'll want to instead point it at our Khan Academy one.

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

If the blog post at is to be trusted, we're going to have to put CloudFlare on top of pages if we want to fix this problem :'(.

sophiebits commented 9 years ago

Sounds accurate to me. Fastly can probably also do it; their config options are more flexible (at least for the plan we have).

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

Oh cool, I didn't realize we were using Fastly. I'll log into it in a bit and see if I can set it up. Thanks @spicyj!!

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

We're on Fastly's free plan, so it looks like we won't be able to use SSL with them unless we jump onto one of their subdomains. I think CloudFlare will let us set up our own domain for free though (the cert will be one of CloudFlare's, but that doesn't seem like an issue).

itsjohncs commented 9 years ago

Doh, CloudFlare won't allow this either... This doesn't look possible to do without paying :(.