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Fix image width issues in auto-dumble post #60

Closed evykassirer closed 7 years ago

evykassirer commented 8 years ago

They were squishing on small screens (because I gave them fixed height) as May-Li kindly pointed out a whillleee ago.

So I finally fixed it by just making the images smaller.

evykassirer commented 7 years ago

yo @brownhead is this good for you to merge?

itsjohncs commented 7 years ago

Oh hello! Sorry I didn't see this, I'll take a look now.

itsjohncs commented 7 years ago

Yay! This looks good! Something's still making your post a little too wide though, and I'm not sure what it is (when I look at your post in chrome dev tools under the iphone 5 viewport simulator I get a little bit of horizontal scrolling).