KhiopsML / kc-electron

The Electron application that encapsulates Khiops Covisualization
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Improvement when applying technical threshold #153

Closed carinehue closed 2 months ago

carinehue commented 2 months ago

in the "Select automatically the best unfolding" : Apply the technical threshold only when the user clicks on "ok"

At present, when the number of clusters exceeds the technical threshold, it is put to this treshold but the two graphs and the information rate are associated with the asked cluster number (not the treshold). Two models then cohabits in the display 1/ number of clusters at 635 for thresholded coclustering 2/ information rate and value of the x-axis of the graphs correspond to the final coclustering IR-TechnicalThresholdAuto-MaxAsked

-> the proposition would be :