KhronosGroup / COLLADA2GLTF

COLLADA to glTF converter
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Crash from missing texture #181

Closed lilleyse closed 6 years ago

lilleyse commented 6 years ago


This model seems to have texture references but does not link or embed any texture files. This is causing a crash here due to source being a null pointer.

The dae was exported from this blender file:

Brought up on the Cesium forum:!topic/cesium-dev/Oa7qbuL4G2E

lasalvavida commented 6 years ago

edit: Previously said this wasn't valid COLLADA, used a more up to date validator, it is in fact valid.

./OpenCOLLADAValidator ../a318.dae

"../a318.dae" is valid against the COLLADA 1.4.1 schema.

I can add a NULL check and maybe a warning somewhere, since we don't want to crash.

lasalvavida commented 6 years ago

Fixed in #183.
