KhronosGroup / EGL-Registry

EGL API and Extension Registry
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eglCompositorSwapPolicyEXT mismatch between header and description #176

Open hallershahaf opened 1 year ago

hallershahaf commented 1 year ago

The APIs signature states that it receives external_win_id as input -

EGLBoolean eglCompositorSwapPolicyEXT(EGLint _external_winid, EGLint policy);

While the API description itself mentions external_ref_id as input -

This function shall be called by the primary context to specify the handling of buffer swaps of the context specified by _external_refid.

stonesthrow commented 1 year ago

You are referring to extension: Lets see if the original authors are available and can respond and/or fix.

It does look like a copy and paste error. In the description for that function. @shadazar , Are you available to respond?

shadazar commented 1 year ago

Yes it's a bug, we'll get the typo addressed in the near future.