KhronosGroup / GLSL

GLSL Shading Language Issue Tracker
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Supporting tail-recursion in GLSL #134

Open jarble opened 3 years ago

jarble commented 3 years ago

GLSL currently does not support tail recursion, but this feature could be easily implemented using tail-call optimization. For example, this function is not yet compatible with GLSL:

int fib(int n)
    if (n <= 1)
        return n;
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

But it's possible to eliminate recursion here, replacing the recursive call with a for-loop:

int fib(int n)
  int a = 0, b = 1, c, i;
  if (n == 0)
    return a;
  for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
     c = a + b;
     a = b;
     b = c;
  return b;

Are there any plans to implement tail-recursion in a future version of GLSL?

johnkslang commented 3 years ago

We tend to not want to have semantics expressed in terms of what an optimizer might be able to do. Maybe that can be done for tail recursion, but it needs a name and specification that pins down exactly which cases must work and which cases must be rejected, without any implication of how smart an optimizer might be.