KhronosGroup / GLSL

GLSL Shading Language Issue Tracker
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Description of texelFetch erroneously implies the lod parameter can be omitted #233

Closed JuanDiegoMontoya closed 4 months ago

JuanDiegoMontoya commented 4 months ago

The description of texelFetch in the GLSL 4.6 spec says this (emphasis mine):

Use integer texture coordinate P to lookup a single texel from sampler. The array layer comes from the last component of P for the array forms. The level-of-detail lod (if present) is as described in sections “Texel Fetches” and 8.14.1 “Scale Factor and Level of Detail” of the OpenGL Specification.

However, all overloads of texelFetch require supplying lod. The parenthesized text should be removed.

JuanDiegoMontoya commented 4 months ago

Case closed- I failed to notice that the gsampler2DRect and gsamplerBuffer overloads don't have a lod parameter (nor could they).