KhronosGroup / KTX-Software

KTX (Khronos Texture) Library and Tools
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documentation: we miss short available format list for .ktx #72

Open Vinc3r opened 5 years ago

Vinc3r commented 5 years ago

I'm a BabylonJS user so I know there is a list about astc, dxt, pvrtc, etc1, etc2, atc on this page :

Then I had in mind to go read directly to the source about a short descriptions of what are these formats targetting which OS/hardware, so I get this page :

But after some searches I wasn't able to find any simple chart like the BabylonJS one below: img

Do you think it's possible to add something like that?

lexaknyazev commented 4 years ago

As of, the KTX2 spec now has an extensive list of GPU formats with platform support information.

MarkCallow commented 4 years ago

If you feel the list in the spec. is insufficient or too hard to find, feel free to add something to this project's wiki.