KhronosGroup / KTX-Software

KTX (Khronos Texture) Library and Tools
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Problem with textures non power-of-two size (v4.3.0-alpha3) #736

Closed Yason83 closed 1 year ago

Yason83 commented 1 year ago

Windows11 + v4.3.0-alpha3 ktx create --format R8G8B8_SRGB --encode basis-lz --clevel 5 --qlevel 255 TeakVeneer_2K_albedo.jpg TeakVeneer_2K_albedo.ktx2 produces unpredictable effects when loading textures with dimensions that are different from a power-of-two size. In the case of the "TeakVeneer.jpg" texture, no errors occurred, but the texture was not created. In the case of the "TeakVeneer_512x510.jpg" texture, no errors occurred, but the texture was distorted.

Yason83 commented 1 year ago

It would be logical in both cases to either display an error indicating that the texture is not supported or correctly convert it.

VaderDev commented 1 year ago

Related to #733. The #735 PR will solve this issue too.