KhronosGroup / KTX-Software

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Incorrect option for ktx create docs #790

Closed matthew-rister closed 10 months ago

matthew-rister commented 10 months ago

The docs for ktx create indicate that --zcmp is highly encouraged when using --encode uastc, however, this option does not exist. Did you mean --zstd or --zlib?

MarkCallow commented 10 months ago

--zstd. Sorry for the documentation error. @aqnuep please fix.

aqnuep commented 10 months ago

I cannot see any reference to zcmp in the new ktx tool code or documentation. Only the old ktxsc and toktx tools refer to it.

Where is this documentation that you talk about? I can only see the new ktx tool doc saying:

            You are strongly encouraged to also specify @b --zstd to
            losslessly compress the UASTC data.
matthew-rister commented 10 months ago

There is still a reference to --zcmp in the description for --uastc quality <level> option here: I also encountered it after running the Windows installer and running ktx --help.

MarkCallow commented 10 months ago

This may have been fixed since the alpha3 release.

MarkCallow commented 10 months ago

This has indeed already been fixed.

git diff v4.3.0-alpha3 tools/ktx/encode_utils.h
-            You are strongly encouraged to also specify @b --zcmp to
+            You are strongly encouraged to also specify @b --zstd to

The fix will appear in the next release.