KhronosGroup / KTX-Software

KTX (Khronos Texture) Library and Tools
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Non-square EXR encodes with incorrect texture height #798

Closed krispya closed 10 months ago

krispya commented 10 months ago

Using 4.3.0-alpha3, I am attempting to encode an EXR file with 4096x2048 dimensions. The result looks like this:


However, if I resize the same EXR to be square (2048x2048) then it encodes just fine.


I would expect the encoded texture to match with the power of 2 dimensions just fine.

This is my command line:

ktx create --format R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT sky_linekotsi_23_2048.exr sky_linekotsi_23tt.ktx2

Here are the files for reference:

MarkCallow commented 10 months ago

Please add the non-square EXR to the dropbox. It has only a non-square Radiance file and the square EXR. We need to see the input you used.

krispya commented 10 months ago

My mistake, I dragged the wrong file over. It should be there as sky_linekotsi_23.exr.

MarkCallow commented 10 months ago

The result looks fine to me.

Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 12 43 46

I am using a slightly later version of ktx create but the change logs between 4.3.0-alpha3 and what I am using do not reflect any change that might have fixed this problem except perhaps this one:

commit 682f456de1402c2256cdc2b2fe21c0e8c54b4915
Author: Cs<C3><A1>sz<C3><A1>r M<C3><A1>ty<C3><A1>s <>
Date:   Thu Jul 13 13:38:20 2023 +0200

    Fix incorrect index calculations in image conversions (#735)

    Fixes #733. Fixes #736.

@aqnuep please comment.

krispya commented 10 months ago

Thanks for checking on this so fast. In a sense this is a big relief and also not. Now I need to figure out why my environment is making incorrect textures. 😆

aqnuep commented 10 months ago

There was at some point an issue, where the width and height parameters within the EXR path in the image input library were accidentally flipped somewhere, which was fixed a couple of months ago. I expect this was caused by that.

krispya commented 10 months ago

I can confirm this is fixed with a build from main. I'm looking forward to a new alpha being cut!