KhronosGroup / KTX-Specification

KTX file format source
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Confirm prohibited formats #163

Closed lexaknyazev closed 2 years ago

lexaknyazev commented 2 years ago

From the Section 3.2:

It can be any value defined in core Vulkan 1.2, future core versions or registered Vulkan extensions, except for values listed in Table 1, “Prohibited Formats” and any *SCALED*, *422*, *[2-9]PLANE* or *[34]PACK16* formats added in future.

MarkCallow commented 2 years ago

I have have misunderstood what some of those formats really are and thought they were multi-plane.. The intent is to prohibit packed formats that have an equivalent rg, rgb or rgba format, e.g. the *_PACK32 formats, and multi-plane formats.

Happy to accept a PR to modify the list of prohibited formats. An equivalent change must be made to the lib/mkvkformatfiles script in the KTX-Software repo which generates the file vkformat_check.c. Please create a PR for that too.

lexaknyazev commented 2 years ago

OK. In that case, we should also allow single-plane subsampled formats. For reference, here's a full list of currently prohibited single-plane formats.

MarkCallow commented 2 years ago

Thanks @lexaknyazev. @fluppeteer DFD-wise are there any problems with allowing these?