KhronosGroup / KTX-Specification

KTX file format source
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Update formats.json for compatibility with recent vulkan_core.h and glcorearb.h. #208

Closed MarkCallow closed 4 months ago

MarkCallow commented 4 months ago

Add a compile test for the generate_format_switches.rb generated switches.

Prior to the update the switches would not compile when using recent glcorearb.h versions due to changes to some tokens from former extensions. They also would not compile using the shortened vulkan_enum.h used by KTX-Software due to it omitting extension token names for extensions now in core.

@lexaknyazev please review. Should we create another document revision to publish this or should we just update revision 3? formats.json is the only thing changed.

MarkCallow commented 4 months ago

Thanks @lexaknyazev. I've merged this and force pushed an updated v2.0.3 tag. I'll update the registry once the build completes.