KhronosGroup / MoltenVK

MoltenVK is a Vulkan Portability implementation. It layers a subset of the high-performance, industry-standard Vulkan graphics and compute API over Apple's Metal graphics framework, enabling Vulkan applications to run on macOS, iOS and tvOS.
Apache License 2.0
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OLD: Improve support for iOS App Store rules by using dynamic XCFramework. #2166

Closed billhollings closed 4 months ago

billhollings commented 4 months ago

Apple's iOS App Store does not permit an app to link to naked dylibs. Instead, these must be placed in frameworks, which are embedded in a dynamic version of MoltenVK.xcframework.


richard-lunarg commented 4 months ago

Fetch dependencies is failing for me too.

========== glslang and SPIRV-Tools ==========

ERROR stderr contains: Cloning into 'cereal'... Note: switching to '51cbda5f30e56c801c07fe3d3aba5d7fb9e6cca4'.

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HEAD is now at 51cbda5f Merge branch 'develop' for release 1.2.2 Cloning into 'SPIRV-Cross'... Note: switching to '64f64c837a8ba7e32e91cebcc6c796e9b45ab186'.

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HEAD is now at 64f64c83 Merge pull request #2266 from KhronosGroup/pr-2257 checkdir: cannot create extraction directory: glslang/External/spirv-tools No such file or directory

billhollings commented 4 months ago

Fetch dependencies is failing for me too.

@richard-lunarg I missed updating the XCFrameworks for the dependencies in the initial PR.

It's fixed, and should be good now.

richard-lunarg commented 4 months ago

@billhollings Yes, building fine now. I'll do some additional tests on this today.

richard-lunarg commented 4 months ago

For app store compatibility, we still need to remove the symbolic link to libMoltenVK.dylib. Here's a screen shot from the App Store validation tool:

richard-lunarg commented 4 months ago

A couple other details. It's okay to put the MoltenVK.json in /MoltenVK/Package/Release/MoltenVK/dynamic/dylib/macOS, just don't put it inside the framework. The iOS framework (simulator and hardware) have a folder "Template.framework" that is likely not intended.

billhollings commented 4 months ago

This PR is replaced by PR #2170.