KhronosGroup / MoltenVK

MoltenVK is a Vulkan Portability implementation. It layers a subset of the high-performance, industry-standard Vulkan graphics and compute API over Apple's Metal graphics framework, enabling Vulkan applications to run on macOS, iOS and tvOS.
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MoltenVK : VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: Shader library compile failed (Error code 3): #2230

Open metarutaiga opened 2 months ago

metarutaiga commented 2 months ago
[Vulkan] MoltenVK : VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: Shader library compile failed (Error code 3):
program_source:37:25: error: no member named 'sample' in 'metal::sampler'
    color *= samDiffuse.sample(samDiffuseSmplr, float2(vary.UV0.x, 0.5));
             ~~~~~~~~~~ ^
program_source:37:32: error: use of undeclared identifier 'samDiffuseSmplr'
    color *= samDiffuse.sample(samDiffuseSmplr, float2(vary.UV0.x, 0.5));
[Vulkan] MoltenVK : VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV: Fragment shader function could not be compiled into pipeline. See previous logged error.

How to check what code generated ? I used glslang to compile HLSL into my project.

Here is my repo : To select xxGraphic and Vulkan

billhollings commented 2 months ago

How to check what code generated ?

If you set the MoltenVK configuration parameters:


MoltenVK will log the incoming SPIR-V and outgoing MSL.

The Configuring MoltenVK section of the Docs/ document explains how to set MoltenVK configuration parameters.

metarutaiga commented 2 months ago

It seems be not supported for DX9 HLSL style.

Converted MSL:
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"

#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>

using namespace metal;

struct Varying
    float4 Position;
    float4 Color;
    float2 UV0;

struct main0_out
    float4 _entryPointOutput [[color(0)]];

struct main0_in
    float4 vary_Color [[user(locn0)]];
    float2 vary_UV0 [[user(locn1)]];

static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float4 _main(thread const Varying& vary, sampler samDiffuse)
    float4 varyColor = vary.Color;
    float4 color = float4(1.0);
    color = varyColor;
    color *= samDiffuse.sample(samDiffuseSmplr, float2(vary.UV0.x, 0.5));
    return color;

fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], sampler samDiffuse [[sampler(0)]], float4 gl_FragCoord [[position]])
    main0_out out = {};
    Varying vary;
    vary.Position = gl_FragCoord;
    vary.Color = in.vary_Color;
    vary.UV0 = in.vary_UV0;
    Varying param = vary;
    out._entryPointOutput = _main(param, samDiffuse);
    return out;

Estimated original GLSL:
#version 450

struct Varying
    vec4 Position;
    vec4 Color;
    vec2 UV0;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler samDiffuse;

layout(location = 0) in vec4 vary_Color;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vary_UV0;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _entryPointOutput;

vec4 _main(Varying vary)
    vec4 varyColor = vary.Color;
    vec4 color = vec4(1.0);
    color = varyColor;
    color *= texture(samDiffuse, vary.UV0.x);
    return color;

void main()
    Varying vary;
    vary.Position = gl_FragCoord;
    vary.Color = vary_Color;
    vary.UV0 = vary_UV0;
    Varying param = vary;
    _entryPointOutput = _main(param);

cdavis5e commented 2 months ago

Based on the shaders you posted, it looks like you're using a standalone sampler, which in SPIR-V must be combined with an image to be able to sample a texture, but you're using it as though it were a combined image-sampler. Your SPIR-V is likely invalid.

cdavis5e commented 2 months ago

Based on your initial post, this may be a bug in glslang's HLSL support.

cdavis5e commented 2 months ago

What does the original HLSL look like?

metarutaiga commented 2 months ago

I used HLSL10 style instead of HLSL style, and it works.

cdavis5e commented 2 months ago

Yeah, that's almost certainly a bug in glslang. You should file a bug with them.