KhronosGroup / NNEF-Tools

The NNEF Tools repository contains tools to generate and consume NNEF documents
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Pytorch and TVM support #105

Closed Msabih closed 4 years ago

Msabih commented 4 years ago


We are exploring the use of NNEF format to export model from pytorch directly or ONNX to NNEF and use it as a bridge to import it to TVM and optimize it further. Is it possible ? I read that recent commits were related to pytorch, how would it be possible to export the model to NNEF from pytorch ? Additionally, do you know of a way to import the NNEF model to TVM ?

gyenesvi commented 4 years ago

Hi, from PyTorch you can export to ONNX, and these tools contain an ONNX to NNEF (and back) converter, did you manage to use that one? The readme describes how to use it.

A TVM importer would be possible and very useful if someone took the time to write it. This repository contains tools to help with that: it allows you to read the NNEF files into memory, from there it needs to be converted to TVM representation. Are you interested in doing that?

Msabih commented 4 years ago

Hi thanks for the reply. At the moment, I have just started my Phd. Although I have prior expertise in deep learning on a higher level, I am not very proficient yet in deep learning compilation. However if we have an estimation of time, effort and expertise then it would be great. I could then analyze the use case for my research and consult my Phd supervisor.

gyenesvi commented 4 years ago

Thanks, let us know if there is some progress. For now, I would close the issue, as there is no action or our side.