KhronosGroup / OpenCOLLADA

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Added animation clip parsing and writer callbacks #596

Closed lasalvavida closed 5 years ago

lasalvavida commented 5 years ago

Resolves #565 and enables multiple animations support in COLLADA2GLTF: KhronosGroup/COLLADA2GLTF#130.

Re-opened from #592.

Contains updated Visual Studio definitions to hopefully resolve the Maya/Max build issue present in the other PR.

CLAassistant commented 5 years ago

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lasalvavida commented 5 years ago

@RemiArnaud, if you're okay with it, I'd like to get this pushed through before normalizing formatting since it's holding things up on the COLLADA2GLTF side of things.

Fl4reBot commented 5 years ago

FAILURE: exercise-opencollada-pull-request build #162

Pull Requests:

RemiArnaud commented 5 years ago

Maya Mac Release 2015:

COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/src/COLLADASaxFWLRootParser15.cpp:25:10: fatal error: 'COLLADASaxFWLLibraryAnimationClipsLoader15.h' file not found

COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/src/COLLADASaxFWLRootParser14.cpp:25:10: fatal error: 'COLLADASaxFWLLibraryAnimationClipsLoader14.h' file not found

The MAX issue is a server configuration issue I'll fix asap

Fl4reBot commented 5 years ago

FAILURE: exercise-opencollada-pull-request build #163

Pull Requests:

lasalvavida commented 5 years ago

I have updated the relevant XCode project; hopefully that's the last thing.

After formatting fixes, if you would like, I can take a look at unifying the CMake build a bit. Unless there's a good reason, it just seems a little unintuitive to use CMake across most of the project, but also have checked in Visual Studio and XCode projects.

Fl4reBot commented 5 years ago

FAILURE: exercise-opencollada-pull-request build #164

Pull Requests:

RemiArnaud commented 5 years ago

COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/src/COLLADASaxFWLRootParser15.cpp:25:10: fatal error: 'COLLADASaxFWLLibraryAnimationClipsLoader15.h' file not found

include "COLLADASaxFWLLibraryAnimationClipsLoader15.h"

COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader/src/COLLADASaxFWLRootParser14.cpp:25:10: fatal error: 'COLLADASaxFWLLibraryAnimationClipsLoader14.h' file not found

include "COLLADASaxFWLLibraryAnimationClipsLoader14.h"

lasalvavida commented 5 years ago

After some difficulty setting up a Mac OS VM, I've updated the XCode project for COLLADAMaya. 🤞

lasalvavida commented 5 years ago

@RemiArnaud, could you take a look at this when you get a chance? I'd like to try to get this merged at some point during this week.

Fl4reBot commented 5 years ago

SUCCESS: exercise-opencollada-pull-request build #166

Pull Requests:

lasalvavida commented 5 years ago

Awesome, thanks @RemiArnaud!