KhronosGroup / OpenGL-API

OpenGL and OpenGL ES API Issue Tracker
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glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex: missing group attribute #2

Closed luca-piccioni closed 7 years ago

luca-piccioni commented 7 years ago

The glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex* commands definitions miss the group attribute for the argument mode. Other Draw commands have the mode argument typed with the PrimitiveType group; I don't see any reason why the glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex* should be excluded. Indeed I suggest to update with:

  <proto>void <name>glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex</name></proto>
  <param group="PrimitiveType"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>mode</name></param>
oddhack commented 7 years ago

The groups and group attribute tags are holdovers from the ancient SGI ".spec" format, and have rarely been kept up to date, because Khronos doesn't use them for anything. Making improvements is fine, so long as they have no semantic effects on the generated headers, but I'll be more likely to accept such changes if you propose them in the form of pull requests rather than issues.