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Typos in OpenGL ES 3.2 SPEC #31

Closed Jiawei-Shao closed 6 years ago

Jiawei-Shao commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have found two typos in the latest OpenGL ES 3.2 SPEC: (

  1. Chapter 11.3.1 Page 327, in the paragraph before "Points": A '.' is missed before "The input primitive type may be queried by calling GetProgramiv with pname GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE.".

  2. Chapter Page 331, in the second paragraph: There is a duplicated 'needs' in the first sentence "Similarly to the built-in inputs, each user-defined input has a value for each vertex and thus needs needs to be declared as arrays or inside input blocks declared as arrays".

Jiawei-Shao commented 6 years ago


Richard-Yunchao commented 6 years ago

Good catch, Jiawei. I suppose that @pdaniell-nv and @oddhack would take another look and update the spec later.

pdaniell-nv commented 6 years ago

Agree both to both of these typos. Assigned to @oddhack to include in an upcoming spec.

oddhack commented 6 years ago

Fixed in the next ES spec update, coming soon.