KhronosGroup / OpenGL-Registry

OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenGL ES-SC API and Extension Registry
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Closed apdw3 closed 2 years ago

apdw3 commented 2 years ago

Over a year ago I reported a bug to the OpenJFX / Open JDK community that appeared in OpenJFX13 and is still apparent in OpenJFX 17.0.1. No action was taken as they could not find any significant changes to the OpenJFX12 HeaderFiles in the port to OpenJFX13.

The issue is not present in OpenJFX11 and OpenJFX 12.

Please see for full details of the bug report.

The error message reported is as follows: Incomplete attachment. (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT)(FBO - 820) Error creating framebuffer object with TexID 1)

The call stack prior to the error is as follows:

mouseEvent:2591, Scene$ScenePeerListener (javafx.scene)
run:409, GlassViewEventHandler$MouseEventNotification (
run:299, GlassViewEventHandler$MouseEventNotification (
doPrivileged:-1, AccessController (
lambda$handleMouseEvent$2:447, GlassViewEventHandler (
get:-1, 2067987277 ($$Lambda$812)
runWithoutRenderLock:412, QuantumToolkit (
handleMouseEvent:446, GlassViewEventHandler (
handleMouseEvent:556, View (
notifyMouse:942, View (
_runLoop:-1, GtkApplication (
lambda$runLoop$11:277, GtkApplication (
run:-1, 1159114532 ($$Lambda$115)
run:834, Thread (java.lang)

It may be possible for you to track down any hidden issue lurking in the Framebuffer module.

Regards Alan

KhronosWebservices commented 2 years ago

Tranferred this issue to the OpenGL-Registry.

oddhack commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but this isn't an issue we can address - this appears to be either an implementation issue, or a logic error in your code. You might try asking on stackexchange for the latter case.