KhronosGroup / OpenGL-Registry

OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenGL ES-SC API and Extension Registry
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Removed "len" XML attribute from "pointer" parameter declarations of "glVertexAttribIPointerEXT", "glVertexAttribLPointerEXT" and "glVertexAttribPointerARB" commands #598

Closed Rytis-Stan closed 9 months ago

Rytis-Stan commented 9 months ago

The removal was done because the "pointer" parameter is not mean to act as an array, but simply as a relative integer offset when defining vertex attributes. An equivalent fix was done previously for the related commands: "glVertexAttribIPointer", "glVertexAttribLPointer" and "glVertexAttribPointer" (related PR:

NogginBops commented 9 months ago

I don't have much of an opinion on this, but it does seem like glVertexAttribIPointerEXT should actually just take a pointer to an array of indices directly if I'm reading the specification right as the EXT_gpu_shader4 is written on top of OpenGL 2.0.

Not sure what is expected of a driver that implements these methods, it would make sense they they would follow modern glVertexAttribPointer* conventions but I'm not sure if this is what the spec really says...

But I guess glVertexAttribPointerARB from either GL_ARB_vertex_shader or GL_ARB_vertex_program should behave identically to glVertexAttribPointer in modern drivers so I guess that is how it's supposed to be?

Maybe someone from Khronos can clarify the intended behavior for these functions.

Rytis-Stan commented 9 months ago

Maybe someone from Khronos can clarify the intended behavior for these functions.

Yes, it would be nice if someone could comment more on these functions.

pdaniell-nv commented 9 months ago

The "EXT" variants of these functions were all promoted to the non-EXT core versions, so I think all drivers will treat them as aliases and therefore implement them in exactly the same way.

NogginBops commented 9 months ago

Is that how promotion of functions are "supposed" to be handled or is this just how it works in practice? Either way I think this answered my question.

pdaniell-nv commented 9 months ago

In most cases yes promoted functions become just aliases in the implementation. There are some cases where there is a small divergence between the extension function and the core function, due to spec differences in the function behavior, in which case typically a subset of the function implementation is common. In this case they are aliases.

oddhack commented 9 months ago

TL;DR "promotion" does not mean "identical behavior", rather "functionally very similar".

We don't actually tag aliases in gl.xml (unlike the Vulkan XML). There are several possible interpretations of 'alias' for GL commands:

pdaniell-nv commented 9 months ago

@oddhack this is approved to merge.