KhronosGroup / OpenGL-Registry

OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenGL ES-SC API and Extension Registry
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Add T4F_C4UB_N3F_V4F and T4F_C4F_N4F_V4F formats #629

Closed jopadan closed 1 month ago

jopadan commented 1 month ago

Proposal to add glInterleavedArrays vertex array standard formats:

example structures of added standard vertex formats:

struct T4F_C4F_N4F_V4F
   vec::f32<4> tex;
   col::f32<rgbaf32> col;
   vec::f32<4> nor;
   vec::f32<4> pos;

struct T4F_C4UB_N3F_V4F
   vec::f32<4> tex;
   col::u8<rgba8888> col;
   vec::f32<3> nor;
   vec::f32<4> pos;

See: mesa merge request too

oddhack commented 1 month ago

To add new formats would require creating an extension and getting vendors to implement that extension in their drivers. If you can convince them to do that you're welcome to, but this PR literally accomplishes nothing other than adding a few lines to the XML.