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OpenVX API and Extension Registry.
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Test case errors while running Example VxTest suite #23

Open srini1981git opened 6 years ago

srini1981git commented 6 years ago

Hi, We downloaded the latest available openVx sample code (openvx_sample_1.2.tar.bz2), built the sample libraries and ran the generated unit test executable as listed in the README file (..\openvx_sample_1.2\openvx_sample\README) . Note that our environment is Linux. On running the executable, the log is as follows :

[VX_TEST] Kernels:64 Modules:1 Refs:92 [PASSED][00] Framework: Load XYZ Extension [PASSED][01] Framework: Load Kernel Node [FAILED][02] Framework: Copy, error = -12 [FAILED][03] Framework: Copy Virtual, error = -12 [FAILED][04] Framework: Heads, error = -12 [FAILED][05] Framework: Unvisited, error = -12 [FAILED][06] Framework: Virtual Image, error = -12 [vx_test_framework_delay_graph:876] Passed! [FAILED][07] Framework: Delay, error = -12 [PASSED][08] Framework: Kernels [FAILED][09] Direct: Copy Image, error = -12 [FAILED][10] Direct: Copy External Image, error = -12 [FAILED][11] Graph: ColorBars YUV, error = -12 Found 0 differences between images (status=0) [FAILED][12] Graph: ColorBars RGB, error = -12 Min Value in AbsDiff = 0, at 285,40 Max Value in AbsDiff = 81, at 32,32 AbsDiff Mean = 43.941765 AbsDiff Stddev = 23.627544 histogram[0] = 2623 histogram[1] = 2589 histogram[2] = 2235 histogram[3] = 2371 histogram[4] = 2805 histogram[5] = 2685 histogram[6] = 2849 histogram[7] = 2938 histogram[8] = 2988 histogram[9] = 4863 histogram[10] = 4142 histogram[11] = 3359 histogram[12] = 3744 histogram[13] = 3776 histogram[14] = 3701 histogram[15] = 12332 [FAILED][13] Graph: bikegray, error = -12 Nodes[0] average exec: 0.034ms Nodes[1] average exec: 14.983ms Nodes[2] average exec: 1.871ms Nodes[3] average exec: 3.625ms Nodes[4] average exec: 4.208ms Nodes[5] average exec: 3.390ms Nodes[6] average exec: 1.457ms Nodes[7] average exec: 2.159ms Nodes[8] average exec: 12.929ms Nodes[9] average exec: 0.798ms Nodes[10] average exec: 1.702ms Nodes[11] average exec: 0.064ms Nodes[12] average exec: 0.076ms Nodes[13] average exec: 0.067ms Nodes[14] average exec: 0.118ms Nodes[15] average exec: 0.125ms Nodes[16] average exec: 0.110ms Nodes[17] average exec: 0.068ms Nodes[18] average exec: 0.051ms Nodes[19] average exec: 0.067ms Graph average exec: 47.911ms [FAILED][14] Graph: Lena, error = -12 Multiple writers failed with -23! [FAILED][15] Graph: Accumulates, error = -12 [FAILED][16] Graph: Bitwise, error = -12 [FAILED][17] Graph: Arithmetic, error = -12 There are 0 number of points in the harris array! There are 482 number of points in the fast array! Rectangle from Gaussian is {1, 1, 159, 119} [FAILED][18] Graph: Corners, error = -12 [PASSED][19] Graph: Tracker Passed 4 out of 20

                Note in the above failures list (all 16 of them) that the error status is always -12 (i.e VX_ERROR_INVALID_REFERENCE) . Can someone please throw some light on what could be leading to this error for the 16 example blocks? Your help is much appreciated.

Thanks, Srinivas

fbrill3 commented 6 years ago

@srini1981git, there appears to be an issue in vxUnloadKernels. Can you try commenting out lines 135 and 136 in vx_reference.c:

          if (ownRemoveReference(ref->context, ref) == vx_false_e)
             // status = VX_ERROR_INVALID_REFERENCE;
             // return status;