KhronosGroup / OpenXR-SDK-Source

Sources for OpenXR loader, basic API layers, and example code.
Apache License 2.0
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hello_xr vulkan backend ignores `minApiVersion` from graphics requirements structs #448

Open fredemmott opened 10 months ago

fredemmott commented 10 months ago

VK 1.0 is hardcoded here:

For XR_KHR_vulkan_enable2, the version can (should) be forced by the runtime or an API layer's implementation of xrCreateVulkanInstanceKHR, however this isn't supported via XR_KHR_vulkan_enable - for the older OpenXR extension, the app should respect the min api version from XrGraphicsRequirementsVulkanKHR and use it for vkCreateInstance()

rpavlik-bot commented 10 months ago

An issue (number 2208) has been filed to correspond to this issue in the internal Khronos GitLab (Khronos members only: KHR:openxr/openxr#2208 ), to facilitate working group processes.

This GitHub issue will continue to be the main site of discussion.