KhronosGroup / SPIRV-Cross

SPIRV-Cross is a practical tool and library for performing reflection on SPIR-V and disassembling SPIR-V back to high level languages.
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assignment to undeclared variable in generated metal code #2284

Closed kevinmgh closed 6 months ago

kevinmgh commented 7 months ago

We're seeing an issue with hlsl -> dxc -> spirv -> metal where the resulting metal includes assignment to an undeclared variable. This is using the latest SPIRV Cross ( A simple example:

Texture2D texture1; 
Texture2D texture2; 
Texture2D texture3; 

Texture2D GetIndexedTexture ( uint index ) { if ( index == 1 ) { return texture1 ; } else if ( index == 2 ) { return texture2 ; } else { return texture3 ; } }

results in

            if (_42 == 1u)
                _0 = texture1;
                if (_42 == 2u)
                    _0 = texture2;
                    _0 = texture3;
        } while(false);

(where _0 was never declared).

example.hlsl contains this as well as a few commented alternate implementations of "GetIndexedTexture" all of which have this issue. exampleInput.hlsl.txt exampleOutput.metal.txt

kevinmgh commented 7 months ago

As an aside, I also tried rolling back to an earlier version of SPIRV cross which yielded a result that compiled but still doesn't look correct. See how the result only exists in the current scope (note: this is from a more complicated input example not provided, but this snippet was from essentially the same thing).

    if (_3987 == 1u)
        texture2d_array<float> _32396;
        _32396 = texture1;
        if (_3987 == 2u)
            texture2d_array<float> _32397;
            _32397 = texture2;
            texture2d_array<float> _32398;
            _32398 = texture3;
        break; // unreachable workaround
    break; // unreachable workaround
} while(false);
kevinmgh commented 7 months ago

The attached exampleinput.hlsl.txt is the full source code that would yield exampleOutput.metal.txt.

However, I apologize -- there was a more recent version of SPIRV Cross than our last pull. I reproduced the above with

But it seems to have already been fixed with edit: we still have issues (slightly different, see below) with the latest version

djwingrove commented 7 months ago

In further testing, the new version creates msl that compiles but it is not valid code.



                if (_10858 == 1u)


                    texture2d_array<float> _28020;

                    _28020 = texture1;





                    if (_10858 == 2u)


                        texture2d_array<float> _28021;

                        _28021 = texture2;





                        texture2d_array<float> _28022;

                        _28022 = texture3;



                    break; // unreachable workaround


                break; // unreachable workaround

            } while(false
kevinmgh commented 7 months ago

Yeah, confirmed that we still have this issue -- the output metal code compiles when generated with 5f7a6de5521b2ce56769f7fb7aa675c143ab8018, but it does not do what the HLSL does, see @djwingrove's example. Attached is the full metal output from the same full HLSL input I attached earlier.


kevinmgh commented 7 months ago

slight addendum: the commented implementation in the provided example hlsl input that uses an array lookup does result in what looks like correctly-generated MSL code with (it was incorrect with

The other examples all still yield the compiling-but-incorrect output with

HansKristian-Work commented 6 months ago

Do note that texture objects cannot be used as lvalues like this.

HansKristian-Work commented 6 months ago

For example:

Texture2D texture1; 
Texture2D texture2; 
Texture2D texture3;
SamplerState S;

Texture2D GetIndexedTexture ( uint index ) { if ( index == 1 ) { return texture1 ; } else if ( index == 2 ) { return texture2 ; } else { return texture3 ; } }

float4 main(uint i : I, float2 uv : UV) : SV_Target
    return GetIndexedTexture(i).Sample(S, uv);

when compiled to DXIL:

/tmp/test.hlsl:6:51: error: local resource not guaranteed to map to unique global resource.
Texture2D GetIndexedTexture ( uint index ) { if ( index == 1 ) { return texture1 ; } else if ( index == 2 ) { return texture2 ; } else { return texture3 ; } }
/tmp/test.hlsl:6:96: error: local resource not guaranteed to map to unique global resource.
Texture2D GetIndexedTexture ( uint index ) { if ( index == 1 ) { return texture1 ; } else if ( index == 2 ) { return texture2 ; } else { return texture3 ; } }
HansKristian-Work commented 6 months ago

DXC also complains when compiling to SPIR-V:

fatal error: generated SPIR-V is invalid: Result type cannot be OpTypeImage
  %43 = OpPhi %type_2d_image %40 %39 %41 %38 %42 %34

note: please file a bug report on with source code if possible
HansKristian-Work commented 6 months ago

For the attached HLSL shader, this requires legalization to work, and it doesn't seem like DXC does the necessary legalization to make this valid SPIR-V. Using Phi with textures is simply not legal.

I suggest using an array of 3 textures instead, and selecting the index instead. That would be fine and just as efficient.