KhronosGroup / SPIRV-LLVM-Translator

A tool and a library for bi-directional translation between SPIR-V and LLVM IR
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InvalidInstruction: Can't translate llvm instruction with LLVM 18 (working with 17) #2531

Closed davidrohr closed 4 months ago

davidrohr commented 4 months ago

The attached testcase fails in the spirv translation step with the following error:

InvalidInstruction: Can't translate llvm instruction:
 Global variable cannot have Function storage class. Consider setting a proper address space.
 Original LLVM value:
@constinit = private constant [5 x float] [float 0x3FC8B7A880000000, float 0x4011115E40000000, float 0x3F7567A360000000, float 0x40030CCC40000000, float 0x3FEF60B2C0000000], align 4

Steps to reproduce:

clang-18 -O0 -emit-llvm --target=spir64-unknown-unknown -ferror-limit=1000 -Dcl_clang_storage_class_specifiers -Wno-invalid-constexpr -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -cl-std=CLC++2021 -Xclang -fdenormal-fp-math-f32=ieee -cl-mad-enable -cl-no-signed-zeros -c -o testcase.bc
llvm-spirv testcase.bc -o testcase.spirv

This is using llvm/clang 18.1, and the latest 18-branch hash of the translator 259f72c06ce9dff3867f842aaeb1e414c97066a5. The same file compiles fine with llvm/clang 17 and the corresponding version of the translator.

I am not sure if this is a bug in the translator or in our code. But unfortunately, from the error message I cannot understand which variable is reported to have the wrong address space.

MrSidims commented 4 months ago

This is using llvm/clang 18.1

To clarify, are you compiling OpenCL code or something else? Just for C/C++ clang would not emit an address space for GV. UPD: ah, I missed from the reproducer. It's a bit odd, that OpenCL compiler hasn't emitted Constant or Global address space in your case.

Discussion here would be helpful: , but basically we have to ask an address space for GVs, otherwise absence of it would be treated as an OpenCL private AS, which doesn't follow OpenCL/SPIR/SPIR-V specification. The error was added in

svenvh commented 4 months ago

Looking at the reported variable, do you have any float arrays (of 5 elements) that are initialized to some non-zero values inside a function? Perhaps clang generates code that violates the idea behind #2254.

davidrohr commented 4 months ago

Thx for the fast reply! Yes, it is OpenCL code, CLC++2021 to be precise. Ok, I see, that is why the error pops up now. Is there any way I can find out which line in the .cl source file is causing this, or at least ehat is the name of the variable?

davidrohr commented 4 months ago

Hm, we have

const float oldDiag[5] = {mC[0], mC[2], mC[5], mC[9], mC[14]};

in a function, and we have

float mBetheBlochParams[5] = {0.19310481, 4.26696118, 0.00522579, 2.38124907, 0.98055396};

inside a class definition using C++11 initialization. Could this be the problem?

Looking at the reported variable, do you have any float arrays (of 5 elements) that are initialized to some non-zero values inside a function? Perhaps clang generates code that violates the idea behind #2254.

svenvh commented 4 months ago

in a function, and we have

float mBetheBlochParams[5] = {0.19310481, 4.26696118, 0.00522579, 2.38124907, 0.98055396};

inside a class definition using C++11 initialization. Could this be the problem?

The values seem to match indeed; does rewriting this initialization (e.g. by individual assignments or initializing to zero) avoid the crash?

davidrohr commented 4 months ago

I changed the class initialization to using a constructor. This fixes the problem.

However, now I am getting a similar problem elsewhere:

InvalidInstruction: Can't translate llvm instruction:
 Global variable cannot have Function storage class. Consider setting a proper address space.
 Original LLVM value:
@constinit = private constant [2 x [3 x [4 x float]]] [[3 x [4 x float]] [[4 x float] [float 0x3FA5607A20000000, float 0x3F28979AE0000000, float 0x3FACDDB100000000, float 0x3FE13A5BA0000000], [4 x float] [float 0x3FB53BC900000000, float 0x3F2AA55680000000, float 0x3FB1728860000000, float 0x3FEF1225E0000000], [4 x float] [float 0x3FB6358880000000, float 0x3F2B9F09A0000000, float 0x3FC1B60240000000, float 0x3FD05362C0000000]], [3 x [4 x float]] [[4 x float] [float 0x3FAE873A80000000, float 0x3F169EBBC0000000, float 0x3FA285E020000000, float 0x3FDEB379C0000000], [4 x float] [float 0x3FAF5D19A0000000, float 0x3F12FA3520000000, float 0x3FA41FE2A0000000, float 0x3FEDBC3100000000], [4 x float] [float 0x3FB0DB5280000000, float 0x3F1B2B22E0000000, float 0x3FAF1BB7A0000000, float 0x3FEFB073A0000000]]], align 4

Probably another c++11 initialization in a class definition. Perhaps this is a general problem in clang18?

svenvh commented 4 months ago

@davidrohr I've created to hopefully fix this pattern in clang (targeting clang's main branch). Any chance you could try if that solves the member initializer issues for your use case?

davidrohr commented 4 months ago

@svenvh : Thx: I tried with that PR and it fixes this problem!