Open cwfitzgerald opened 1 month ago
Vulkan allows empty structs (see Offset and Stride Assignment).
A structure has a base alignment equal to the largest base alignment of any of its members. An empty structure has a base alignment equal to the size of the smallest scalar type permitted by the capabilities declared in the SPIR-V module. (e.g., for a 1 byte aligned empty struct in the StorageBuffer storage class, StorageBuffer8BitAccess or UniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess must be declared in the SPIR-V module.)
So I need more context about how this is failing in drivers to determine if it is truly a validation issue.
For reference this was resolved in the internal Vulkan issue 2174.
Interesting! So this is the minimized spirv involved. It passes spirv-val:
; Version: 1.4
; Generator: Khronos SPIR-V Tools Assembler; 0
; Bound: 30
; Schema: 0
OpCapability VariablePointers
OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
OpCapability Int64
OpCapability Int8
OpCapability Shader
OpExtension "SPV_KHR_variable_pointers"
OpExtension "SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer"
OpMemoryModel PhysicalStorageBuffer64 GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Vertex %vertMain "main" %light_buffer %gl_Position
OpSource Slang 1
OpName %cbuffer__t "cbuffer__t"
OpName %light_buffer "light_buffer"
OpName %vertMain "vertMain"
OpName %LightBuffer_natural "LightBuffer_natural"
OpDecorate %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural ArrayStride 0
OpDecorate %cbuffer__t Block
OpMemberDecorate %cbuffer__t 0 Offset 0
OpDecorate %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_uchar ArrayStride 1
OpDecorate %gl_Position BuiltIn Position
%void = OpTypeVoid
%9 = OpTypeFunction %void
OpTypeForwardPointer %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural PhysicalStorageBuffer
%cbuffer__t = OpTypeStruct %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural
%_ptr_PushConstant_cbuffer__t = OpTypePointer PushConstant %cbuffer__t
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
%_ptr_PushConstant_6 = OpTypePointer PushConstant %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural
%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
%ulong = OpTypeInt 64 0
%uchar = OpTypeInt 8 0
%_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_uchar = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %uchar
%float = OpTypeFloat 32
%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
%LightBuffer_natural = OpTypeStruct
%_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %LightBuffer_natural
%light_buffer = OpVariable %_ptr_PushConstant_cbuffer__t PushConstant
%gl_Position = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
%vertMain = OpFunction %void None %9
%20 = OpLabel
%21 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_PushConstant_6 %light_buffer %int_0
%22 = OpLoad %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural %21
%23 = OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural %22 %int_1
%24 = OpBitcast %ulong %23
%25 = OpBitcast %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_uchar %24
%26 = OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_uchar %25 %int_0
%27 = OpLoad %uchar %26 Aligned 1
%28 = OpConvertUToF %float %27
%29 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %28 %28 %28 %28
OpStore %gl_Position %29
which came from the following slang. They removed any unbounded arrays from the underlying spirv struct, which let the LightBuffer_natural struct have zero members. They then bitcast the LightBuffer*
to a uint8_t*
to read from the unbounded array.
Something about this spirv caused nvidia to segfault in the driver and mesa to reject the pipeline, returning ERROR_UNKNOWN. I don't know if this is strictly the non-membered struct, or some other use of it, but slang ended up not emitting the struct if it has zero args, and that fixed the problem for me.
struct LightBuffer {
uint8_t lights[];
LightBuffer* light_buffer;
float4 vertMain() : SV_Position {
return float4(light_buffer.lights[0]);
What looks off to me is:
%cbuffer__t = OpTypeStruct %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_LightBuffer_natural
%_ptr_PushConstant_cbuffer__t = OpTypePointer PushConstant %cbuffer__t
%light_buffer = OpVariable %_ptr_PushConstant_cbuffer__t PushConstant
SPIR-V requires that %light_buffer
be decorated with one of AliasedPointer
or RestrictPointer
, but the validator is only considering arrays and not structs to traverse. If you add one of those decorations with the empty struct does it still fail in those drivers?
I added
OpDecorate %light_buffer AliasedPointer
But nvidia still segfaults and mesa returns ERROR_UNKNOWN.
Upstream issue You can see the problematic spirv includes a
%5 = OpTypeStruct
which is an OpTypeStruct with no arguments. This causes nvidia's drivers to segfault and causes mesa to outright the reject the pipeline.As far as I can tell this is indeed invalid, so it would be nice to get validation against this, as it went unnoticed.