Open Dherse opened 2 years ago
Thanks. I'll take a look at it once things start up again after the holidays.
I am adding to this issue the following similar dead links:
: links with text [synchronization-queue-transfers]
point to dead-link #synchronization-queue-transfers
: links with text image layout transition
point to dead-link #synchronization-image-layout-transitions
: links with text separateDepthStencilLayouts
point to dead-link "features-separateDepthStencilLayouts
: links with text geometry shaders
point to dead-link #features-geometryShader
: links with text tessellationshaders
point to dead-link #features-tessellationShader
: links with text conditional rendering
point to dead-link #features-conditionalRendering
: links with text fragment density map
point to dead-link #features-fragmentDensityMap
: links with text fragment density map
point to dead-link #features-fragmentDensityMap
: links with text transform feedback
point to dead-link #features-transformFeedback
: links with text task shaders
point to dead-link #features-taskShader
: links with text shading rate image
point to dead-link #features-shadingRateImage
: links with text synchronization2
point to dead-link #features-synchronization2
: links with text filled with <span class="eq">(0,0,1)</span>
point to dead-link #fxvertex-input-extraction
: links with text dedicated allocation image aliasing
point to dead-link #features-dedicatedAllocationImageAliasing
point to dead-link #features-subgroup-quad
: links with text Shader Interfaces
point to dead-link #interfaces
: links with text consistent
point to dead-link #descriptorsets-pipelinelayout-consistency
: links with text pipelineCreationCacheControl
point to dead-link #features-pipelineCreationCacheControl
: links with text format features
point to dead-link #features-pipelineCreationCacheControl
: there are links that point to dead-link #features-pipelineCreationCacheControl
: there are links that point to dead-link #resources-image-format-features
: there are links that point to dead-link #formats-requiring-sampler-ycbcr-conversion
: there are links that point to dead-link #copies-images-format-compatibility
: there are links that point to dead-link #formats-compatible-planes
: there are links that point to dead-link #blocked-image
: there are links that point to dead-link #copies-buffers-images-addressing
: there are links that point to dead-link #features-subpassShading
: there are links that point to dead-link #features-invocationMask
: there are links that point to dead-link #features-rayQuery
;Let me preface this by saying I don't know how Asciidoc works. But my guess looking at the code, is that when embedding pieces of doc from the spec into the individual doc items, it does not change the links to point to the spec.
Happy holidays,
I found another example, in PFN_vkReallocationFunction.html
and others, the link vkAllocationFunction_return_rules.html
is broken.
There is also something very weird with the generation of PFN_vkInternalFreeNotification.html
for the description section, where for some reason it generated a link in the description but puts it in a <code></code>
block. The link cannot be clicked and has unusual text for the Vulkan docs.
You're correct that the refpage extraction process doesn't always rewrite xrefs into links correctly. It does a pretty good job with the actual refpages blocks, with a few exceptions, but the common validity statements exist in separate asciidoc include files and xrefs there that should be rewritten, aren't. It is a known issue but not a high priority.
N.b. what we'd probably have to do is change the refpage extraction scripts to actually insert the text of those common validity includes, rather than incorporate them via the 'include::' construct, prior to xref rewriting. It is not hard, but tedious.
In the documentation for
there is a broken link: at line 1086 forsynchronization.txt
(note I'm using an older commit so this may be slightly incorrect), the link that gets generated with the textcolor, resolve, or depth/stencil resolve attachment
gives the link#renderpass
instead of
.Hope this is helpful,