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Task list for VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix release #2161

Open kpet opened 1 year ago

kpet commented 1 year ago

This extension adds support for using cooperative matrix types in SPIR-V. Cooperative matrix types are medium-sized matrices that are primarily supported in compute shaders, where the storage for the matrix is spread across all invocations in some scope (usually a subgroup) and those invocations cooperate to efficiently perform matrix multiplies.

The task list for the VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix release is:

As each component is made public, the task will be checked off. When all tasks have been completed this issue will be closed and the extension will be fully released.

archimedus commented 1 year ago

I started Validation Layers in

nihui commented 1 year ago

GLSL extension:

nihui commented 11 months ago

hi, I added the fp16-matrix test project based on VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix / VK_NV_cooperative_matrix for vkpeak

fp16-matrix value added for all VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix / VK_NV_cooperative_matrix capable devices, such as rtx20+ and rdna3 It reflects the computing power of tensorcore or similar AI engine on the device