KhronosGroup / Vulkan-Docs

The Vulkan API Specification and related tools
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REQUEST: Add TOC-like api listing for the functions, structs, and enums of the given chapter #2370

Open gamagan opened 1 month ago

gamagan commented 1 month ago

Most chapters of the Vulkan Spec contain functions, structs, and enums related to the subject of that chapter. Sometimes, it can be tricky finding a particular item in a chapter, specially if one doesn't remember the exact name.

Please consider adding a TOC-like list of the functions, structs, and enums listed in that chapter. They should be links that takes you to the relevant entry. Perhaps, that listing should come right after the chapter's introduction.

Example for the Command Buffers chapter:

Command Buffers - API Listing

Command Pools




Command Buffer Allocation and Management




Command Buffer Recording
