KhronosGroup / Vulkan-Loader

Vulkan Loader
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Configuration-time search for xrandr headers #1616

Open MathiasMagnus opened 6 hours ago

MathiasMagnus commented 6 hours ago

What enhancement are you suggesting for the Vulkan Loader? Please describe in detail.

During configuation, when BUILD_WSI_XLIB_SUPPORT is enabled, then pkg_check_modules(X11 REQUIRED QUIET IMPORTED_TARGET x11) searches for headers provided by libx11-dev, but it also set the VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_XRANDR_EXT pre-processor definition. That in turn requires headers from a different package, libxrandr-dev. Missing this last library should not cause a build-time error, but a configuration-time one.

Is this specific to a single platform? Linux

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