KhronosGroup / Vulkan-Portability

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VK_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32 write masks and blending #28

Closed billhollings closed 3 years ago

billhollings commented 3 years ago

On non-Apple Silicon GPU's, VK_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32 is not supported as a color attachment format.

On Apple Silicon (iOS/tvOs/macOS M1), it is fully supported as a color attachment except that format components cannot be individually write-enabled. All components must either be write-enabled or write-disabled together.

This is causing several hundred CTS blending tests to fail on M1 (and presumably iOS & tvOS). For example:


This is the only format breaking any CTS blending tests.

Options identified so far:

dgkoch commented 3 years ago

Another option would be to just not expose VK_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32 as a color attachment format, since as you pointed out above, it's not supported on non-Apple Silicon GPUs, and therefor it isn't needed for any portability targets.

billhollings commented 3 years ago

@dgkoch Thanks for the feedback.

Another option would be to just not expose VK_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32 as a color attachment format

I did not include that in my list because I figured it was more restrictive than limiting blending alone.

it's not supported on non-Apple Silicon GPUs, and therefor it isn't needed for any portability targets

I assume it's part of Vulkan because it's widely supported elsewhere? Where is it supported in the Vulkan ecosystem outside of Apple platforms?

The Apple GPU platforms include iOS, which is a very large base. So, for example, refusing it as color attachment everywhere on Apple platforms limits someone taking a game from somewhere else in the ecosystem and porting it to iOS.

dgkoch commented 3 years ago

I assume it's part of Vulkan because it's widely supported elsewhere? Where is it supported in the Vulkan ecosystem outside of Apple platforms?

No - it's part of Vulkan for completeness.

I don't believe any of Intel / NVIDIA / AMD desktop GPUs expose E5B9G9R9 as a renderable texture format. In fact, I've never hear of any one supporting it as renderable before this. I tend to think of it as more like a compressed texture format. I also don't believe it's required to be renderable in any version of D3D.

refusing it as color attachment everywhere on Apple platforms limits someone taking a game from somewhere else in the ecosystem and porting it to iOS.

I don't think any widely supported game written for any other D3D or Vulkan platform could require that format, and therefore I don't see how it could be considered limiting under MVK.

billhollings commented 3 years ago

I don't believe any of Intel / NVIDIA / AMD desktop GPUs expose E5B9G9R9 as a renderable texture format. In fact, I've never hear of any one supporting it as renderable before this.

Thanks. Then I agree. Marking it as either not bendable, or entirely not renderable, would be a reasonable approach.

jackohound commented 3 years ago

QCOM recently published QCOM_render_shared_exponent, so you should expect future support for this format coming from QCOM. Still, I agree with @dgkoch that refusing E5B9G9R9 is unlikely to be limiting for MVK.

lexaknyazev commented 3 years ago

Just FYI, this format is also renderable with APPLE_color_buffer_packed_float.

billhollings commented 3 years ago

@dgkoch @jackohound @lexaknyazev

Thanks for all the input and feedback.

you should expect future support for this format coming from QCOM

this format is also renderable with APPLE_color_buffer_packed_float.

Given some Apple and Vulkan eco-system support for rending to this format, I've elected to make the least-intrusive reasonable change, and disable blending for this format on macOS Apple Silicon.

DadSchoorse commented 3 years ago

I assume it's part of Vulkan because it's widely supported elsewhere? Where is it supported in the Vulkan ecosystem outside of Apple platforms?

No - it's part of Vulkan for completeness.

I don't believe any of Intel / NVIDIA / AMD desktop GPUs expose E5B9G9R9 as a renderable texture format. In fact, I've never hear of any one supporting it as renderable before this. I tend to think of it as more like a compressed texture format. I also don't believe it's required to be renderable in any version of D3D.

@dgkoch FWIW AMD supports rendering to E5B9G9R9 since RDNA2: