KhronosGroup / Vulkan-Site

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Present search results as a separate page, not a popup? #51

Open oddhack opened 9 months ago

oddhack commented 9 months ago

I forget who exactly requested this, but in order to track it. This would presumably be more like what does - search results come up as a separate page in the content pane, rather than as a popup. I asked on the Antora chat and it is apparently not built-in behavior in the antora-lunr integration, but probably not overly complex to add for someone conversant with antora-lunr and with the Antora content model. As with many "site should do this, not that" requests it probably means adding some sort of UI preferences, presumably persistent across sessions.

oddhack commented 6 months ago

Marking this deferred as it is a significant UI project that we do not have resources for. If there's a lot of interest we can revisit.