KhronosGroup / Vulkan-ValidationLayers

Vulkan Validation Layers (VVL)
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Android testing slowdown after shader val cache commit #3787

Closed aabdolrashidi closed 2 years ago

aabdolrashidi commented 2 years ago

There has been a slowdown in testing ANGLE on Pixel 6 after the following commit: A change in Android test runtime can also be seen by disabling shader_validation_caching in core_validation.cpp (disabled[shader_validation_caching] = true). More info: Here

CC: @lunarpapillo @Tony-LunarG

TonyBarbour commented 2 years ago

Is there a better strategy for determining where to put the cache on Android?

cnorthrop commented 2 years ago

I'm guessing that things are behaving differently on Android because you added $TMPDIR, which is actually defined on Android. I doubt /data/local/tmp is actually writeable though, so there's probably no caching going on.

A better location is to write files to the application's sdcard directory. For example /sdcard/Android/data/package_name. Here's how we do it in ANGLE for writing out capture files. See GetDefaultOutDirectory in the link below.

It would be good to see data that shows caching is helpful though. We could just turn it off.

cnorthrop commented 2 years ago

I misread the diff, $TMPDIR has always been checked. Not sure what is causing the slowdown.

In any case, I did some experiments running one of our end2end tests that does mostly shader work, recording the time taken. These are from a Pixel 6 Pro:

out/AndroidDebug/angle_end2end_tests --gtest_filter="*GLSLTest*Fragment*ES3_Vulkan" --verbose

Default VVL (top of tree):

Remove TMPDIR check:

Revert the CL:

Disable shader caching:

I went ahead and modified the caching location so files could be created and the layers would get a hit. First I created the following location:

adb shell mkdir /sdcard/vulkan_validation_cache
adb shell chmod 777 /sdcard/vulkan_validation_cache

and hard coded it in the layer:

tmp_path = "/sdcard/vulkan_validation_cache";

That resulted in the following file being created:

$ adb shell ls -la /sdcard/vulkan_validation_cache/
total 4
-rw-rw---- 1 u0_a251 media_rw 76 2022-02-24 23:09 shader_validation_cache-10258.bin

Running it with the test, I see:

Fix shader caching:

So I don't think caching is worth the trouble on Android.

Is there a recommended way to disable it without having to use environment variables? I'm hard coding like so just before the check for it:

disabled[shader_validation_caching] = true;
ncesario-lunarg commented 2 years ago

@cnorthrop is using the vk_layer_settings.txt config file a viable option for setting VK_VALIDATION_FEATURE_DISABLE_SHADER_VALIDATION_CACHE_EXT (although, not sure if shader caching is an exception here @Tony-LunarG?)?

TonyBarbour commented 2 years ago

That should work, and we can ifdef the default to false if desired

cnorthrop commented 2 years ago

@ncesario-lunarg I don't believe vk_layer_settings.txt works on Android, but @mark-lunarg is looking in to it.

@Tony-LunarG I don't think you should force it off for Android. There may be devices running Android that benefit from it. I do think it is worth getting the cache to work using a spot the app can access. I can help with that.

For ANGLE, we can disable caching programmatically through a pNext chain.

TonyBarbour commented 2 years ago

Ok, I'll abort my disable PR :-) For the record, on Windows we saw setup times drop significantly for the worst case game traces: dota 531-541 - 7 seconds to 2 seconds dota 5155-5165 - 13 seconds to 4 seconds doom 5793-5802 - 7 seconds to 4 seconds

The change in question only added XDG_CACHE_HOME and HOME/.cache to the front of the list of locations to try. This was for better security on multi-user systems. Let me know if there is a better location list for Android and I can use that instead.

TonyBarbour commented 2 years ago

@cnorthrop any suggestions for a remedy?

TonyBarbour commented 2 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to re-open if this is still an issue