KhronosGroup / WebCL-conformance

WebCL conformance tests
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Some invalid checking logic in 'shouldBeArrayOfType' method. #104

Open AzureSkyBox opened 9 years ago

AzureSkyBox commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm implementing WebCL and check with conformance test too. Some problem is that when conformance try to check array with shouldBeArrayOfType, it check type of array item. It's commonly fine, but when conformace try to check array of WebCLImageDescriptor, always test failed. In WebCL specification, WebCLImageDescriptor is dictionary. So, below code in shouldBeArrayOfType not working.

function shouldBeArrayOfType(_a, _type) { var exception; var _av; try { _av = eval(_a); } catch (e) { exception = e; } var _typev = eval(_type);// this code always in trouble when check a dictionary array. ... }

Is that any way to fix this problem?