KhronosGroup / WebCL-conformance

WebCL conformance tests
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Invalid WebCLImageDescriptor in kernel.setArg tests #62

Closed toaarnio closed 10 years ago

toaarnio commented 10 years ago

The following line in cl_kernel_setArg.html produces an invalid WebCLImageDescriptor object:

var webCLImageDescriptorObject  = wtu.getSupportedImageFormats(webCLContext, webcl.MEM_READ_ONLY, "100", "100");

The width and height fields in the descriptor must be numbers, not strings. That is, the quotation marks around "100" must be removed.

I would also recommend adding a test case to confirm that implementations do not accept any Strings in WebCLImageDescriptor.

shilpashri commented 10 years ago

Fixed by 398791e3730f9ced784a131cbec0d4ae4c75f6c9 . Please review.

toaarnio commented 10 years ago

Appears to be fixed.