KhronosGroup / WebCL-conformance

WebCL conformance tests
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Add WebCL validator test cases into conformance test suite #74

Open shilpashri opened 10 years ago

shilpashri commented 10 years ago

We are in process of adding webcl validator testcases as 5th section in the conformance test suite.

Had few concerns regarding that. Can we use the kernels hosted in ? and use Javascript runner which reads it, (tries) to create a program and then (tries to) build.

toaarnio commented 10 years ago

Yes, the test kernels in, as well as all other source code of the WebCL Validator, can be used under the standard Khronos license.

The Khronos license block ( must be included with the kernel source files, though, if the conformance test suite as a whole is not yet under Khronos copyright.