KhronosGroup / WebCL-conformance

WebCL conformance tests
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Remove doubleN datatype related test cases from bindingTesting and functionalityTesting #89

Closed junmin-zhu closed 9 years ago

junmin-zhu commented 9 years ago

Because it could only be working together with extension "KHR_fp64" enabled.

junmin-zhu commented 9 years ago

@mikeseven , would you help to review the PR? thanks.

mikeseven commented 9 years ago

No, fp64 and fp16 should be tested so these tests can be enabled or not.

junmin-zhu commented 9 years ago

What about move these cases to "extension/KHR_fp64" folder but not just remove them as this PR? I think it's not proper to put them under the general bindingTesting and functionalityTesting without "KHR_fp64" extension enabled.