KhronosGroup / glTF-InteractivityGraph-AuthoringTool

A React based DCC for viewing and authoring KHR_interactivity models
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Documentation: Unclear which engine(s) implement which nodes #6

Open hybridherbst opened 2 months ago

hybridherbst commented 2 months ago

My understanding was that there would be a set of "core" KHR_interactivity nodes that would have to be implemented by each engine claiming KHR_interactivity support.

However, in the current implementation, e.g. the logging engine does not support animation nodes:


I saw there have been recent changes from lifecycle/* to event/*, so maybe the Logging engine implementation just hasn't been updated yet.

mattmacf98 commented 2 months ago

yes the logging engine hasn't been updated to support some 3D specific actions, I will probably implement them as a no-op log asp. For now to see the supported log and babylon engine nodes you can look at this function

ones that are just supported in babylon are found here