KhronosGroup / glTF-InteractivityGraph-AuthoringTool

A React based DCC for viewing and authoring KHR_interactivity models
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Documentation: Request for examples #8

Open hybridherbst opened 3 days ago

hybridherbst commented 3 days ago

Are there examples for useful (or not) graphs to look at?

Things that come to mind:

lexaknyazev commented 3 days ago

how to swap a material

pointer/set + KHR_materials_variants (limitations apply, TBD).

how to make an object visible/invisible

pointer/set + KHR_node_visibility

how to switch to another scene from the glTF file

Good question, maybe the /scene property could be made mutable

how to build a LookAt of sorts (e.g. a quad always aligns to the camera)

Not possible at the moment as the user's viewpoint is not exposed

hybridherbst commented 3 days ago


pointer/set + KHR_materials_variants

Not sure I understand this, the variants extension contains data but no notion of an „active variant index“ to the best of my understanding.

LookAt…not possible at the moment

Understood. Seeing that there is lots of talk about behavior graphs somehow being „better“ and convertible from trigger/action lists, this is quite disappointing to me — even Apple’s QuickLook, which gives away zero data about the users viewpoint, has a LookAt behavior (and so does Adobe’s Aero if I’m not mistaken).

lexaknyazev commented 2 days ago

the variants extension contains data but no notion of an „active variant index“

Yes, it will be a virtual asset object model property.