KhronosGroup / glTF-Sample-Assets

To store all models and other assets related to glTF
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DirectionalLight.gltf model is modeled inside out #118

Open droettger opened 2 months ago

droettger commented 2 months ago

Visualizing the world space geometry or shading normals on the face-culled geometry of the DirectionalLight.gltf shows that they are pointing to the inside (here: color = N * 0.5f + 0.5f;) DirectionalLight_single_sided Also visualizing the front-face condition showed that this is actually the front-face so vertex winding and normal on front-face is consistent. Consequently, switching the three materials to double-sided shows the expected normal orientation of the outside of the spheres: DirectionalLight_double_sided

This results in black rendering with a ray tracer because the inside of the sphere is hit and light is blocked by the face-culled geometry in front. Switching to double-sided materials produces the correct result.