KhronosGroup / glTF-Sample-Assets

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Models for checking normal maps #57

Open lexaknyazev opened 6 years ago

lexaknyazev commented 6 years ago

We need sample models for these cases (+ versions of these with morph targets):

Normals Tangents Normal map Engine's feature to check
Flat normals generation
✔️ MikkTSpace implementation with generated normals
✔️ ✔️ MikkTSpace implementation with provided normals

@bghgary Is it something glTF-Asset-Generator could assist with?

bghgary commented 6 years ago

Ignoring morph targets for now, these should be tested by glTF-Asset-Generator but it doesn't right now. We will add them. Morph targets are later in the road map.

For now, I have a separate test that we use to test this in Babylon. You can find the assets here: Live view here:

emackey commented 6 years ago

I believe the original NormalTangentTest model handles the last case, as it tests the engine's ability to generate the tangent vectors. A later model was added, NormalTangentMirrorTest that tests the engine's ability to load supplied tangents, which turned out to be less well-supported than generating the tangents.

DRx3D commented 8 months ago

@lexaknyazev @bghgary @emackey : Is there a need to keep this open, or should it be transferred to glTF-Sample-Assets repo. Default is to close by 27 Nov.

donmccurdy commented 8 months ago

I don't know of an example for "MikkTSpace implementation with generated normals" yet. I think the rest of this is resolved.

lexaknyazev commented 7 months ago

This should be transferred.

echadwick-artist commented 5 months ago

PR #88 might help here, as it represents the common workflow of baking normals from a high-resolution model down into a low-resolution model.

However it does not contain tangent data. Should it?

donmccurdy commented 5 months ago

I'd lean toward including the tangents — one less thing a tester needs to worry about, and we have other assets geared specifically toward testing correct handling of missing tangents.