KhronosGroup / glTF-Sample-Assets

To store all models and other assets related to glTF
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Several models in glTF-Tutorials do not exist in repository of glTF-Sample-Models #70

Closed cx20 closed 6 months ago

cx20 commented 5 years ago

I remember that registration to this repository was waited because some models had problems with porting from 1.1 to 2.0. I think that it is desirable to place it in the glTF-Sample-Models repository, since I think that the formal specification of glTF 2.0 is now formulated and the sample in glTF-Tutorials is no problem. I think the target models are the following three.

@javagl Can you add these models?

javagl commented 5 years ago

I started with the most difficult one, SimpleSkin, and there are some issues to be sorted out.

(I'm not sure whether the gltfTutorialModels Repo will be maintained separately. Maybe I'd just add them to the sample models repo. But if possible, I'd at least try to bring the gltfTutorialModels into a more consistent state)

DRx3D commented 7 months ago

Simple_Skin appears to be in Sample Assets. Is there still interest in adding the remaining two to Sample Assets @cx20 @javagl ?

Default operation is to transfer issue by 27 Nov.

javagl commented 7 months ago

@DrX3D I originally maintained these models in (which was back in the glTF 1.0 days). Adding the missing models (as glTF 2.0) to the new repo shouldn't be much effort - mainly copying them from the tutorial READMEs and creating the screenshot+description. I'll move this ~"somewhere near the top" of my TODO list...