KhronosGroup / glTF-Sample-Assets

To store all models and other assets related to glTF
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The modelmetadata version should not be included in the #8

Closed javagl closed 11 months ago

javagl commented 1 year ago

The modelmetadata.php currently includes a line in the file of each model that says

Generated by modelmetadata 1.0,15-beta

This means that even the slightest (minor/patch version) update will cause all models (i.e. their license files) to count as "modified", causing long lists of 'Files Changed', even when there is no real modification of these files or the models.

This line should not be included in the files.

I could see a potential reason for including such a line - namely, to emphasize that the files are auto-generated, and should not be modified manually in pull requests, because these manual changes would be overwritten.

Iff such hint should be included, then there could be two acceptable options:

  1. Adding it without a version number, maybe using <sub>...</sub> tags, like

    License yadda yadda...

    This file is auto-generated with modelmetadata. Do not modify this file manually.

  2. Adding it without a version number as a (HTML) comment inside the markdown, so that is is only visible for those who attempt to edit the file in a text editor. In this case, the comment could also be added at the top of the file, as in

    <!-- This file is auto-generated by modelmetadata. Do not modify this file manually. -->
    License yadda yadda...

If this should be included, I'd have a slight preference for the latter, but both could be OK if they don't include the version number.

DRx3D commented 11 months ago

What about both. I know it is somewhat redundant, but it does server the purpose of

  1. Top HTML comment notifies people who might hand-edit the file
  2. Bottom text notifies the readers that the file is auto-generated and presumably current
javagl commented 11 months ago

but both could be OK if they don't include the version number.

Doing both at the same time could also be fine (I don't think that the message for the reader of the MD is sooo important, but am not opposed to including it either)

DRx3D commented 11 months ago

Removed version # from all generated files.