KhronosGroup / glTF

glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
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Z values stored in many normals textures are incorrect #2368

Open erich666 opened 3 months ago

erich666 commented 3 months ago

As noted in

Spec provides range mappings in the Section 3.9.3:

After dequantization, texel values MUST be mapped as follows: red [0.0 .. 1.0] to X [-1 .. 1], green [0.0 .. 1.0] to Y [-1 .. 1], blue (0.5 .. 1.0] maps to Z (0 .. 1]. Normal textures SHOULD NOT contain blue values less than or equal to 0.5.

Incorrect normal textures in the sample models repo should definitely be fixed.

I wrote an analysis and correction program for normals textures: - it's still being tested and added to, but I'm confident that it is properly detecting and correcting bad RGB normals, by fixing the B value to give a length-one normal. On that repo's page you will see two comparisons of before and after correction that show models from this repository (see here, scroll down a page).

Attached is my analysis, and the program's log file when it analyzed the PNG files. notes.txt gltf_samples_analysis.log

I actually have a whole set of corrected normals textures ready to submit as a PR, but I then notice this repo says "This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 22, 2023. It is now read-only." Also, my PR would fix just the PNG images in need of work; the .glb files that include the old, faulty normals textures would not be fixed - that would need additional effort by someone (I'm happy to do it, but need to know the process).

erich666 commented 3 months ago

To give a sense of the problem, here's a heatmap view of the normals textures I've analyzed. Anywhere you see bright green is a texture that has unnormalized Z values, which should not happen in a well-formed normals texture. This usually occurs either because the creator didn’t save Z (or put something else in the blue channel, like ambient occlusion), or incorrectly saved Z as going from 0 to 1 for 0-255, or used a bad formula, or who knows what else. Darker green are Z's that are slightly wrong.

Command line to generate these using my NormalTextureProcessor: NormalTextureProcessor.exe -odir output_heatmap -oall -oheatmap -izne


javagl commented 3 months ago

Just a short remark:

I actually have a whole set of corrected normals textures ready to submit as a PR, but I then notice this repo says "This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 22, 2023. It is now read-only."

The repo has essentially been moved to (with some updates for the CI, directory structure etc).

The GLB files should be fixed along with the (external) PNG textures. There are some libraries that could make this easy, but it may be pretty invasive (many large changed files, and the potential for accidentally changing other aspects of the models), so some thought should be put into how to tackle that.

scurest commented 3 months ago

Does the validator check that blues in normal maps are > 0.5?

javagl commented 3 months ago

It does not.

It would be nice if it could check that (even though the statement in the spec is only a 'SHOULD NOT', and not a 'MUST NOT'). But ... there are some obvious caveats with validating the contents of image files. The validator does some validation there (e.g. checking for the presence of color profiles in PNG and whatnot), but for validations that refer to pixel colors, I could imagine that...

  1. claiming to be able to validate every image format could be bold (there are KTX, WEBP and AVIF, and other extensions)
  2. depending on the compression, the images may be a bit noisy...
  3. It could be really, really, really slow....
donmccurdy commented 3 months ago

I'd be open to doing any of the following in glTF Transform (

This would handle JPG, PNG, AVIF, and WEBP. KTX2 textures would need to be regenerated from an uncompressed source.

But as @javagl mentions above, the implications of reprocessing the entire folder with a single tool are murky. The changes that a glTF Transform round-trip would apply are minimal, but non-zero. For example, vertex buffer layouts are repacked in one of two configurations. Having everything in glTF-Sample-Assets be the output of a single tool would reduce the usefulness of the repository as a testing suite... 😕

javagl commented 3 months ago

It could be worthwhile to look at the generator of the assets. I could imagine that many of them are actually generated by the Blender IO, and then, this issue should be propagated to an issue in the glTF-Blender-IO repo, to ensure there (if possible) that only valid normal textures are exported. (In the future - whether we should really try to re-process the models is questionable)

donmccurdy commented 3 months ago

I suspect that pixel-by-pixel validation of normal maps in the Blender exporter would face similar challenges, unfortunately.

javagl commented 3 months ago

I don't have an idea about the inner workings of the Blender exporter, but would have thought that the exporter itself does not have to "validate" anything (in the strictest sense). I'd hope that it has some sort of internal representation of a normal map, and that it might be possible to fix this with some'B').mapFrom(0.0, 1.0).to(0.5, 1.0).beforeExporting(), but ... yeah, there are many 🤞's involved in that guess.

erich666 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for discussing this problem.

The GLB files should be fixed along with the (external) PNG textures. There are some libraries that could make this easy, but it may be pretty invasive (many large changed files, and the potential for accidentally changing other aspects of the models), so some thought should be put into how to tackle that.

Please let me know how I can help. As a start, I've made a PR that gives the corrected normal maps for the PNGs:

erich666 commented 3 months ago

It could be worthwhile to look at the generator of the assets. I could imagine that many of them are actually generated by the Blender IO, and then, this issue should be propagated to an issue in the glTF-Blender-IO repo

Good idea, I'm guessing their polygon -> normals baking code has potential problems. That said, I've never looked at Blender's code so it'd take me a good while to get up to speed.

But, ultimately that's my goal: get the tools producing normals textures to work properly. For example, this tool can be off as much as four texel levels. My guess is GIMP's similar tool is imperfect, too. If there are other (free) tools that generate normals textures, let me know - I want to test them.

erich666 commented 3 months ago

I've decided to withdraw my PR and let my normals analyzer bake a bit more. Analyzing some results, I found it was being too picky about Z values, so I switched to testing normals lengths. Anyway, for now, here's the "where images have problems" image for those files flagged by my analyzer as stuff to be checked. Anything green is where the normal stored is not close to what it should be, darker green being pretty close. image

erich666 commented 2 months ago

New PR here.

echadwick-artist commented 2 weeks ago

Note that Artists will sometimes edit normal maps in a 2D image editing tool, Photoshop or Substance 3D Painter or the like.

This is unadvisable in general, however there are sometimes errors in baking that are easier to paint out than to correct in the models, or multiple normal maps are layered together for example to add detail mapping.

Technical Artists generally advise artists to avoid editing normal maps, but people do it anyway. Much like people edit compressed images rather than uncompressed source, and glTF acknowledges this remixing behavior as a part of the user ecosystem, much like people edit jpg files.

I think minimizing this issue (prevention is not possible) could come from two directions: education and tooling. On the tooling side, yes bakers could be checked for valid output, but normalizer filters could be added to mixing tools, drag-n-drop web tools could be created, and perhaps as a last chance a validator could be employed as a gate for submission.

There’s also the issue of compression changing normal lengths, via lossy errors, dropping Z data in favor of two channel storage, etc. Normal maps tend to be the largest content in assets, requiring creative compression methods to get GLB assets down to ideal delivery sizes (3mb-5mb).