KhronosGroup / glslang

Khronos-reference front end for GLSL/ESSL, partial front end for HLSL, and a SPIR-V generator.
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local workgroup specification while selecting alternative entrypoint #3469

Open phr34k opened 6 months ago

phr34k commented 6 months ago

To my understanding glslang presently supports for selecting an alternative entrypoints. While working with multiple compute shaders, I wondered what the correct way is to specifcy the workgroup size when their parameters differ for the respective entrypoints.

Consider the following example:

void shader1() {

void shader2() {

This would roughly be mapped like this, but also illustrates the problem. Most glsl snippets the local size is uniformly specified in global scope disassociated from the effective entrypoint so this causes double declaration problem.

layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1,​ local_size_z = 1​) in; 
void shader1() {

layout(local_size_x = 2​, local_size_y = 2​, local_size_z = 2​) in; 
void shader2() {

One of the question I have is what is the official approach to this behavior without invoking/relying on preprocessor directives. After some quick tests I noticed this declaration statement can be inside the function body scope, that behavior seems conform the documented grammer outlined in "Ch 9. Shading Language Grammer" of "OpenGL Shading Language, Version 4.60.8".

void shader1() { layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1,​ local_size_z = 1​) in;  }
void shader2() { layout(local_size_x = 2​, local_size_y = 2​, local_size_z = 2​) in;  }

In specific the "layout_qualifier" is reachable from the "function_definition" however lack of clear documented cases makes me question if it's actually a case of valid or undefined behavior, and/or if I can rely on traditional compiler optimisations e.g. function call elimination to negate the potentional double declaration.

layout_qualifier :
LAYOUT LEFT_PAREN layout_qualifier_id_list RIGHT_PAREN <----

single_type_qualifier :
layout_qualifier <----

type_qualifier :
single_type_qualifier <----
type_qualifier single_type_qualifier

declaration :
function_prototype SEMICOLON
init_declarator_list SEMICOLON
PRECISION precision_qualifier type_specifier SEMICOLON
type_qualifier IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACE struct_declaration_list RIGHT_BRACE SEMICOLON
type_qualifier IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACE struct_declaration_list RIGHT_BRACE IDENTIFIER
type_qualifier IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACE struct_declaration_list RIGHT_BRACE IDENTIFIER
array_specifier SEMICOLON
type_qualifier SEMICOLON <----
type_qualifier IDENTIFIER identifier_list SEMICOLON

declaration_statement :
declaration <----

simple_statement :
declaration_statement <----

statement :
simple_statement <----

statement_list :
statement <----
statement_list statement

compound_statement_no_new_scope :
LEFT_BRACE statement_list RIGHT_BRACE <----

function_definition :
function_prototype compound_statement_no_new_scope <----

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arcady-lunarg commented 5 months ago

This sounds more like a GLSL spec question, perhaps something that can be added via a GLSL extension and thus perhaps it is something best discussed in the GLSL repository. If you would like, I can transfer this issue there for discussion of an extension spec, which would be needed before any glslang implementation could be accepted.